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Microsoft > XP End of Life


Move to a Modern Desktop

Upgrade to a new OS before it's too late!

That's right, it's official: Windows XP will no longer be supported starting April 8, 2014. Microsoft will not create security patches or updates for the aged OS. Choosing not to migrate could cost your company a minimum of $200,000 for a custom Windows XP contract.

Migrating off an OS can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. A modern OS provides a variety of benefits for companies seeking to improve IT infrastructure.

Windows 7 and Windows 8 offer:

  • Enhanced Security and Compliance Capabilities - Protects data and keeps unwanted applications from corporate networks.
  • Cost Savings - According to a recent IDC study, supporting a Windows XP PC costs about $870 per year, significantly more than the estimated $168 for a PC running on Windows 7.
  • Productivity Gains - Provide employees with a single Windows OS that can run on a range of devices and can sync files, applications and email settings without sacrificing security.
  • Virtualization and Cloud Support - Expand your cloud infrastructure with Microsoft's Hyper-V virtualization, which is embedded in Windows 8.

Fortunately, there is good news for IT managers feeling the heat - you still have time to complete your migration! CDW is the leading national software solutions provider. We can help to make this transition as smooth as possible with our Windows Assessment and Migration Service.

We will assess your current Windows environment, survey your application landscape, develop a migration plan and remedy common application computability issues. Check out the nine migration steps we follow to ensure your migration is a success.

XP's End of Life Directly Affects Your Business

Ryan Argall, a Partner Specialist for Microsoft Solutions, explains the importance of migrating to a modern desktop.

View all Windows 8 Computers

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"Windows 7 usurped XP as the most widely adopted OS two years ago, and it currently claims more than 46% of the total OS market."