CDW Services / Risk Advisory / Governance, Risk and Compliance

Governance, Risk and Compliance

Gain Assurance That Your Data
is Secure

Governance, Risk and Compliance Overview

Prepare Your Organization for the Ever-Changing Threat Landscape

Information security has often been associated with implementing technical security solutions. However, technology alone cannot adequately protect an organization from the diverse abundance of cybersecurity threats today. Social engineering attacks, insider threats and physical attacks are on the rise. To mitigate cybersecurity and privacy risks, your organization’s people, policies, processes, technologies and facilities must all be aligned to provide a defence-in-depth response to the ever-changing threat landscape. CDW’s Cyber Risk consulting team can act as your trusted advisor and provide the governance, risk and compliance services your organization needs.


We Offer a Wide Range of Options

Our cyber risk experts can help you choose the service your organization needs to improve your security and compliance posture. 

Gap Assessment

Are you worried about experiencing a security breach? Are you concerned about meeting your security and privacy compliance requirements? CDW’s industry-certified cyber risk consultants will gather information from your organization’s key departments and analyze it holistically. You will be provided with a complete assessment of your current processes and controls against an industry standard (e.g., ISO, NIST, CIS) and recommendations to remediate gaps in your security and/or privacy program.

Risk Assessment

Do you know the information security risks to your organization and how they could impact your business? Our team of experts will identify vulnerabilities in your security controls and practices and assess the risk to your organization. You will be provided with prioritized risks and the associated recommendations for remediation specific to the needs of your organization.

Privacy Impact Assessment

Do you know the privacy risks to your organization and how they could impact your business? CDW has a team of industry-certified cyber risk consultants that will identify vulnerabilities in the privacy practices related to the protection of personally identifiable information collected and processed by your organization. You will be provided with an assessment of your current privacy controls against an industry standard or legislation (e.g., PIPEDA, GDPR), an understanding of the privacy risks to your organization and recommendations to mitigate the risks.

Information Security Program Implementation

Are your stakeholders and customers concerned about your information security posture and how well you are protecting their information? Implementing a security program that is certified against an industry standard will provide the assurance they are looking for. CDW’s industry-certified cyber risk consultants will assist you in implementing a comprehensive yet manageable program; and for clients that wish to become certified, CDW will provide the needed assistance to successfully pass the certification audit (e.g., ISO 27001). CDW maintains a 100% success rate in helping clients to achieve ISO 27001 certification.

Information Security and Privacy Policy Development

Is your information security and/or privacy documentation outdated and rarely referred to by staff? Do you need to meet documentation compliance requirements from regulators or customers? You can rely on our cyber risk consultants to assist you in developing an information security and privacy documentation framework based on industry standards (e.g., ISO 27001) as well as individual policies based on the needs of your organization.

Internal Auditing

Are you unsure if your staff are following your internal information security policies and procedures? Do you need to meet compliance requirements or prepare for an external audit of your information security program? CDW’s cyber risk consultants can assist you by conducting an internal audit to provide you with an understanding of your current compliance posture and identify areas of your program requiring corrective action. CDW Risk Consultants will provide recommendations for remediating findings from the internal audit.

Incident Response Tabletop Exercise

If you are concerned that your IT team, information security staff and other supporting teams would not effectively detect, contain, eradicate and recover from an information security incident, we can help you out. CDW’s cyber risk consultants can assist by conducting a tabletop exercise with your incident response staff. The exercise will simulate a real-life incident (e.g., ransomware attack), assess your response activities against industry best practices (e.g., ISO, NIST) and provide you with a report outlining the findings from the exercise and recommendations for improvement.

vCISO, Virtual Security Consultant

When you are understaffed and need assistance in managing and executing your information security program, you can always rely on our team of experts. CDW’s cyber risk consultants can augment your current security team and provide governance, risk and compliance assistance, including but not limited to filling out security questionnaires, chairing information security governance committee meetings and managing information security program maintenance tasks such as conducting risk assessments, collecting metrics and policy management.

Our Security Process

Prepare. Defend. Respond.


We help our clients create and align strategies and programs to address ever-evolving business risks. This includes creating a relevant and achievable security roadmap.


We work collaboratively with clients to decide which technologies to implement to protect against cyberthreats.


We monitor critical business assets, respond rapidly to incidents and  validate the effectiveness of security controls 24/7/365, so you don’t have to.

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We've been helping organizations across different industries with their information security and privacy programs for over 15 years, and we are looking forward to helping your team next. Our consultants are looking forward to hearing from you. ​

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