Learn how to protect against data loss - and preserve your company's reputation - with proven data loss prevention solutions from CDW Canada.

Data Loss Prevention Solutions

    What is Data Loss Prevention?

    • Data Breaches

      Data loss prevention—also known as data leakage protection—helps ensure that customer information, personal employee information, and research and development (R&D) data remains safe and secure.
      Diagram: Sources of common data breaches. Click on thumbnail to enlarge.

      Most security measures are designed to protect an company's systems. Few such measures can protect against data loss especially once data moves outside the network perimeter. Data loss prevention solutions and industry-leading data loss prevention software strategically protect your most important data-sensitive information that could cost your company the most damage to finances or reputation if it were compromised.
    • How Will Data Loss Prevention Solutions Benefit My Business?
      Data loss prevention provides a focused security approach to your sensitive data by working to secure the data itself. Once you’ve identified your most critical data and its location on the network, you can monitor it to determine:
      • Who is accessing and using it
      • Where it is being sent, copied or transmitted
    • The resulting tracking information allows organizations to manage sensitive data more confidently. This not only prevents against data loss but also flags any data being handled in a way that deviates from your company's established security policies.
    • How Can I Help My Business Embrace Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Solutions?
      • Identify your most sensitive data - not all data requires DLP strategies
      • Determine how sensitive data is currently being used and who needs to have access to it
      • Match DLP enforcement to your security policy to ensure compliance
    • What Comprises a Data Loss Prevention Solution?

      An effective data loss prevention solution consists of a mix of the following components:
    • Encryption
      Encryption describes an algorithm used to jumble data in transit or stored on devices rendering it useless for those attempting to access without an encryption key. Encryption prevents lost or stolen data from being viewed or used by non-authorized individuals.

      Encryption can be used with a wide array of devices including desktops, laptops, networked systems, mobile devices, removable media and storage devices.
    • Data Leakage Products
      Data leakage products help monitor, manage and protect data to minimize the risks of data loss and ensure compliance with security policies. These tools help classify data and monitor, report, or restrict data from being printed, e-mailed, or copied. Data is protected regardless of where the data resides even if the file type is changed.
    • Getting Started with Data Loss Prevention

      Your CDW Canada Account Manager and certified specialists are ready to assist you with every phase of choosing and leveraging the right solution for your IT environment. Our approach includes:
      • An initial discovery session to understand your goals, requirements and budget
      • An assessment review of your existing environment and definition of project requirements
      • Detailed vendor evaluations, recommendations, future design and proof of concept
      • Procurement, configuration and deployment of the final solution
      • Ongoing product lifecycle support


  • To learn more, contact your account manager or call 800.972.3922.